gaspard Hex

working towards
a brighter future
“I want to share some kind of spirituality of nature that has been forgotten and that is starting to be born again.”

in a universe where post-industrial ruins
and primordial nature fuse together,
Gaspard Hex works on matter
with his own techniques.
most of his experimental texture processes
borrow ideas to nature.
this way of designing is a counterpoint
to our digital society, a way of placing again Life
and the mysteries of nature as a guiding concept.
a rough work, that can be seen as a reflection on the destruction of nature and its eternal rebirth.
inspired by several antique mythologies and animated with a futurist spirit,
Gaspard Hex pieces are above all included
in a logic of elementary forms,
like a loop out of time.
bringing back to life Philosophy of Nature,
Gaspard Hex speaks about talismans, CG Jung’s theory of archetypes and combines harmoniously opposites such as male and female energies, microcosm and macrocosm, showing how everything connects together.
while still having a collection available and retailed worldwide, gaspard has in the recent years given more focus to designing bespoke pieces, involving the clients in the creative process,
seeing in those collaborations new ways
to keep human interactions in the world
of online shopping.
all those jewels are handcrafted by the designer
in le marais, Paris.
more than classic jewelry, wearing them makes you the messenger of a new world on its way